Women’s Discipleship Ministry

NTCG Harrow Women’s Discipleship Ministry


The Women’s Discipleship Ministry is committed to nurture women of all age groups to be rooted and built up in Christ, to be over-comers, strengthened in faith and fellowship and equipped to fulfil every divine calling.
Our work is produced by faith, our labour prompted by love, and our endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians‬ ‭1:3‬).‬


The Ministry is dedicated to encourage and strengthen Women in the following areas:

  • Disciplines of Word, worship, prayer and fasting to lay a strong spiritual foundation.
  • Leadership and Training to identify and equip leaders.
  • Christian Counselling for personal, marital and related issues.
  • Fellowship to build a strong network of believing women.
  • Health and well-being to encourage women to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Community engagement to shine the light of the gospel and make new disciples.

The Team

  • Sis Coral Smith – Secretary
  • Sis Karen Francis- Asst. Secretary
  • Sis Paulette Williams- Prayer coordinator
  • Sis Kathleen Powell- Christian Counsellor

Harrow WDM- Working in faith, labouring in love and enduring in hope